Manifesto sobre armas de fogo, biodiversidade e serviços ambientais

Letter sent to the presidents of the Chamber of Deputies, Deputy Rodrigo Maia (DEM-RJ), and of the Federal Senate, Senator Davi Alcolumbre (DEM-AP) on 08/24/2020
Dear Parliamentarians, We have been following with great concern the increase in the purchase and, consequently, the massive spread of the use of firearms in our country, especially since the beginning of the current Federal Government administration.
This concern also seems to afflict society as a whole, given the article broadcast on July 19th of this year, on the program Fantástico (Rede Globo), about the inherent danger of trivializing such a practice. Dozens of official data presented in the aforementioned article are of paramount importance in this context, such as the fact that the Federal Government issued 11 (eleven) ordinances – some of which were revoked for being unconstitutional – that sought to facilitate the purchase and use of firearms , which resulted in an increase of almost 140,000 (one hundred and forty thousand) new weapons in the hands of the population. Many other official data, such as the permission to use more powerful calibers, and the possibility for people to acquire weapons previously restricted to the Armed Forces and Military Police can be added here.
It is also extremely serious that the Government revoked three Army ordinances that allowed the traceability of weapons, making it difficult, and even impossible, to identify the perpetrators of the most diverse crimes. It is also worth mentioning that government decrees increased the registration validity to 10 years and automatic renewal for assets, reducing the verification of technical and psychological capacity of gun owners.
Specifically, in the category of hunters, the quota of weapons was increased from 12 to 30 by Decree 9,846/2019, with up to 15 for restricted use, which also includes semi-automatic rifles. Each hunter can purchase up to 5,000 rounds of ammunition annually for each weapon for permitted use and 1,000 for those for restricted use.
The growth of this group was recently reported by the newspaper O Globo, which in an article published on July 21st showed that in ten years the group of CACs (which includes hunters) increased by 737%, with accelerated growth in the first year of the Bolsonaro government. , confirming in practice a true 'army of hunters'.1
This new context, in addition to generating more insecurity and providing scenarios of more frequent violence and accidents – the central theme of the aforementioned journalistic article – also has another development that is little known outside the academic world: the worsening of the situation of shortage of our biodiversity.
We would like to legitimize our concern with scientific data. According to a WWF report (2018), vertebrate populations (mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish) have suffered a 60% drop worldwide since the 1970s. And in South and Central America the loss was even more dramatic : 89%.
In the case of terrestrial mammals, the scenario is terrifying: the biomass of wild species has been reduced to a small fraction when compared to that of humans and animals raised for food. Today only about 4% of the biomass of wild terrestrial mammals* remains. This generates a significant number of negative effects on natural cycles, such as the carbon cycle (Smith et al., 2016). The elimination of the complex ecological role of wild animals from natural cycles has direct impacts on climate stability and other ecosystem services on which our economy depends. It is, therefore, regrettable that an increase in the limit of weapons and ammunition for hunters was allowed.
Currently, in Brazil, only controlled hunting is permitted for an exotic and invasive animal species, the European wild boar (Sus scrofa) and its hybrid with the domestic pig (javaporco). By invasive exotic animal we mean one that is not native to Brazil and, as it has no natural enemies in our fauna and its high potential for reproduction and adaptation in our ecosystems, it becomes an invasive animal in environments previously only present in our fauna. native. It is worth mentioning that control hunting of this species has been permitted in Brazil since 2013 and, until now, this method has not demonstrated any effectiveness in controlling the population of these animals – for example, until April 2019, 44,408 wild boar controllers were registered with Ibama and were hunted 8,146 of these animals in 2016; in other words, on average, each controller only kills “half” wild boar per year (G1, 2019).
It can be said that the wild boar is the “gateway” and “poster boy” for the adoption of sport hunting in the country. Even today, it is common for hunters authorized by Ibama and the Brazilian Army to control wild boar to also practice, within forests without any supervision, illegal hunting of animals native to the country, which constitutes an environmental crime according to Law 5,197 /1963 and 9,605/2008.
In short, the current scenario of general armament of the population in our country is totally anachronistic and incompatible with all the scientific knowledge we have today in the 21st century, also remembering that animals are sentient beings, with the majority of species targeted by It hunts carriers, including, of neurophysiological, neurochemical/physical substrates compatible with states of consciousness of oneself, one's environment and one's future (The Cambridge Declaration on Consciousness, 2012).
For all these facts and also for the sake of intergenerational justice, we cannot allow such an apocalyptic scenario to be paid for by our children and grandchildren. We therefore ask for urgent measures from the Brazilian Parliament to guide and approve the Draft Legislative Decrees - PDLs2 nos. to facilitate citizens' access (CACs) to weapons and ammunition that contribute to the deterioration of public security for our population and the destruction of wildlife conditions in our country.
And, in this sense, we emphasize that the request now required in this letter has broad acceptance among the Brazilian population. According to Ibope research: 73% are against making gun ownership more flexible for ordinary citizens; 61% are against making it easier to own a gun at home and 93% of Brazilians are against hunting. Statements also corroborated by the electronic signature (on the Change platform) of more than a million people against Bills that are being processed in the National Congress and favor the relaxation of legislation in favor of hunting and access to firearms.
Institutions and Collectives that subscribe to this letter:
1. Brazil (worldwide)
2. ACAPRA – Santa Catarina Association for the Protection of Animals (Florianópolis/SC)
3. Animal Rights News Agency – ANDA (São Paulo/SP)
4. Pro Biodiversity Alliance – APB (National)
5. Alianima (São Paulo/SP)
6. AMAR – Association for the Defense of the Environment of Araucária (Araucária/PR)
7. Animal.Com (Criciúma/SC)
8. APEDeMA-RS – Permanent Assembly of Entities in Defense of the Environment Environment of Rio Grande do Sul (Rio Grande do Sul)
9. APOENA – Association in Defense of the Paraná River, Tributaries and Riparian Forest (Presidente Epitácio/SP)
10. AQUASIS – Association for Research and Preservation of Aquatic Ecosystems (Caucaia/CE)
11. ARCA BRASIL – Humanitarian Association for Animal Protection and Welfare (São Paulo/SP)
12. Argonautas Environmentalistas da Amazônia (Belém/PA)
13. ASPOAN – Associação Potiguar Amigos da Natureza (Natal/RN)
14. Associação Ambientalista Copaíba – AAC (Socorro/SP)
15. Associação Ambientalista Floresta em Pé – AAFEP (São Paulo/SP)
16. Associação Angá (Uberlândia/MG)
17. Associação Santa Catarina de Preservação da Natureza – ACAPRENA (Blumenau/SC)
18. Associação Civil Alternativa Terrazul (Brasília/DF)
19. Associação Columbófila de Formiga – COLUMBO (Formiga/MG)
20. Associação Cunhambebe da Ilha Anchieta (Ubatuba/SP)
21. Associação Defensores da Terra (Rio de Janeiro/RJ)
22. Preservation Association of the Environment and Life – Apremavi (Atalanta/SC)
23. Associação Guajiru (Cabedelo/PB)
24. Associação MarBrasil (Pontal do Paraná/PR)
25. Associação Mata Ciliar (Jundiaí-SP)
26. Associação Mico-Leão- Dourado – AMLD (Silva Jardim/RJ)
27. Minas Gerais Association for the Defense of the Environment – AMDA (Belo Horizonte/MG)
28. Onçafari Association (Miranda/MS)
29. Paraibana Association of Friends of Nature – APAN (João Pessoa/PB)
30. Associação Pró Pouso Alegre – APPA (Formiga/MG)
31. Associação Protetora dos Animais de Antiga – APAF (Formiga/MG)
32. Associação Protetora dos Animais de Vadeira – APANVI (Videira/SC)
33. Associação Sem Raça Definida ( Manaus/AM)
34. Cáritas Brasileira - Paraná Regional (Paraná)
35. Formiga Popular Movements Center – CMP/Formiga (Formiga/MG)
36. Environmental Studies Center – CEA (Pelotas and Rio Grande/RS)
37. Center Wild Animal Rehabilitation Volunteer – CEVAS (Anápolis/GO)
38. Clube de Observadores de Aves do Alto São Francisco – COA ASF (Formiga/MG)
39. Indigenous Solidarity Cluster – C´INDIO`S (Formiga/MG)
40. COESUS - Coalition on Fracking Brazil, for Climate, Water and Life (Brasília/DF)
41. COLECULT Atelier das Artes e das NGOs (Formiga/MG)
42. Coletivo de Entidades Ambientalistas de Ubatuba – CEAU (Ubatuba/SP)
43. Coletivo Goiabal Vivo (Ituiutaba/MG)
44. Coletivo Ocareté (São Paulo/SP)
45 Formiga Inter-Union Commission – CISF (Formiga/MG)
46. National Council of the Atlantic Forest Biosphere Reserve – CN-RBMA (National)
47. Speleogroup Pains – EPA (Formiga/MG)
48. Fauna News (National)
49. Fé , Peace and Climate (Aparecida/SP)
50. Federation of Associations and Animal Protection Societies of the State of São Paulo – FAOS SP (São Paulo/SP)
51. Brazilian Forum of NGOs and Social Movements for the Environment and Development – FBOMS (National)
52. Forum of Environmentalist NGOs of the Federal District (Federal District)
53. Forum of the Environmentalist Movement – FMA (Paraná)
54. National Forum for Animal Protection and Defense – FNPDA (National)
55. Freeland Brasil (São Paulo/ SP)
56. Frente Favela Brasil (National)
57. Fundação Arayara (National)
58. GAAV – Group of Voluntary Animal Lawyers of São Paulo (São Paulo/SP)
59. GAMBÁ – Environmentalist Group of Bahia (Salvador/BA)
60. GEEMA – Study Group on Education and Environment (Rio de Janeiro/RJ)
61. Ecological Action Group – GAE (Rio de Janeiro/RJ)
62. Study Group on Environmental Education from the Sur GEASur / UNIRIO – Federal State University of Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro/RJ)
63. Research Group on Nature Conservation and Environmental Education – CONEA/UTFPR (Curitiba/PR) 64) Research Group on Animal Law at UNICURITIBA -Centro Universitário Curitiba (Curitiba/PR )
65. Volunteer Group for the Valorization of Animal Life (Jundiaí/SP)
66. Sentinela dos Pampas Ecological Group (Passo Fundo/RS)
67. Pau-Campeche Group – GPC (Florianópolis/SC)
68. University Group for Speleological Research – GUPE (Ponta Grossa/PR)
69. Hachi Ong Animal Protection (Blumenau/SC)
70. IAA – Instituto Abolicionista Animal (Salvador/BA)
71. IEMA – Institute of Energy and Environment (São Paulo/SP)
72. ING – The Guardians of Nature Institute (Prudentópolis/PR)
73. Green Initiative (São Paulo/SP)
74. BVRio Institute (Rio de Janeiro/RJ)
75. Clelia Angelon Institute (São Paulo/SP)
76. Curicaca Institute (Porto Alegre/ RS)
77. Waita Research and Conservation Institute (Belo Horizonte/MG)
78. Baiano Sustainable Development Institute – IDSB (Vitória da Conquista/BA)
79. Forestry and Agricultural Management and Certification Institute – IMAFLORA (Piracicaba/SP)
80 . Institute for Research in Wildlife and Environmental Education – SPVS (Curitiba/PR)
81. Esperança dos Anjos Institute for Animal Protection (São Paulo/SP)
82. Hóu Institute (Belo Horizonte / BH)
83. Arayara International Institute (Curitiba/PR)
84. MIRA-SERRA Institute (Porto Alegre and São Francisco de Paula /RS)
85. Institute of Veterinary Medicine of the Collective – IMVC / ITEC - Technical Institute of Education and Animal Control (São Paulo/SP)
86. International Institute of Education of Brazil – IEB (Brasília/DF)
87. Orbis Institute of Protection and Nature Conservation (Caxias do Sul/RS)
88. Instituto SOS Pantanal (Campo Grande/MS)
89. Instituto Sou da Paz (São Paulo/SP)
90. IPÊ – Instituto de Pesquisas Ecológicas (Nazaré Paulista/SP)
91. Mater Natura – Institute of Environmental Studies (Curitiba/PR)
92. MOVE – Movimento Verde (Paraty/RJ)
93. Porto Seguro Defense Movement – MDPS (Porto Seguro/BA)
94. Landless Rural Workers Movement – MST ( National)
95. Brazilian Vegan Nation Movement (National)
96. Everyone Against Hunting Movement (National)
97. Animal Nature - Associação Pró-Biodiversidade e Vida Sustentável (São Paulo/SP)
98. Ecological Justice Observatory – OJE/UFSC ( Florianópolis/SC)
99. Animal and Ecological Rights Observatory – ODAE (Brasília/– DF)
100. Environmental Educator Observatory Moema Viezzer, from UNILA – Federal University of Latin American Integration (Foz do Iguaçu/PR)
101. Conservation Justice Observatory – OJC (Curitiba/PR)
102. Climate Observatory – OC (National)
103. OCM – Mineral Coal Observatory (Porto Alegre/RS)
104. OPG – Oil and Gas Observatory (Rio de Janeiro/RJ)
105. Environmental Organization Partner Agro Arte Cultural Brinque e Limpe (Curitiba/PR)
106. PRIMA – Mata Atlântica e Sustentabilidade (Niterói/RJ)
107. ProAnima – Associação Protetora dos Animais do Distrito Federal (Distrito Federal)
108. Projeto Saúde e Alegria – PSA (Santarém -PA)
109. PROFAUNA - Fauna Protection and Environmental Monitoring (Ubatuba/SP)
110. Healthy Hospitals Project – PHS (National)
111. Patas in Action Project (São Luís/MA)
112. Study, Management, and Conservation Program sloth (Resende/RJ)
113. Postgraduate Program in Animal Biology at UNESP - São José
do Rio Preto Campus (São José do Rio Preto/-SP)
114. World Animal Protection – WAP Brazil (Global)
115. Piauí Environmental Network – REAPI (Teresina/PI)
116. Brazilian Environmental Education Network – REBEA (National)
117. Network of Non-Governmental Organizations of the Atlantic Forest – RMA (National)
118. Paraná Environmental Education Network – REA PARANÁ (Paraná)
119. Environmental Education and Public Policies Network – REAPOP (National)
120. Environmental and Animal Protection Network – REPRAAS (Teutônia/RS)
121. Sustainable North Coast Network (North Coast Paulista/SP)
122. Pro Conservation Units Network – Pro-UC Network (National)
123. RPPN CATARINENSE - Association of Owners of Private Reserves of the Natural Heritage of Santa Catarina (Santa Catarina)
124. SAVE Brasil (São Paulo/SP)
125. Union of Workers in Private and Philanthropic Health Services de Formiga – SINTESSFOR (Formiga/MG)
126. Sociedade Nordestina de Ecologia – SNE (Recife/PE)
127. Sociedade Protetora da Vida Animal e do Meio Ambiente de Rio Das Ostras – SOPRO (Rio das Ostras / RJ)
128. SOS Amazônia (Rio Branco/AC)
129. Sou Amigo (Cascavel/PR)
130. Brazilian Union of Women – UBM-Paraná (Curitiba/PR)
131. International Animal Protection Union – UIPA (Fortaleza/CE)
132. Pedritense Protection Union to the Natural Environment – UPPAN (Dom Pedrito/RS)
133. União Protetora do Ambiente Natural – UPAN (São Leopoldo/RS)
134. TERRA VIVA – Center for Agroecological Development of the Far South of Bahia (Itamaraju/BA)
135. TOXISPHERA Association of Environmental Health (Curitiba/PR)
136. WWF-BRAZIL (Brasília-DF)
137. VIVA Instituto Verde Azul (São Paulo/SP)
1According to data provided by the Army Command to the Sou da Paz Institute, via the Access to Information Law, in December 2019 there were already 82,567 hunters with active registrations in Brazil. *According to Bar-On et al. (2018), the biomass of humans (≈0.06 Gt C) and the biomass of livestock (≈ 0.1 Gt C, dominated by cattle and pigs) far exceed that of wild mammals, with ≈ 0.007 Gt C Biomass is the sum of the living organic mass in a given space, at a given moment.
BAR-ON, Y., PHILLIPS, R. &MILO, R. The biomass distribution on Earth. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 115 (25) 6506-6511; June 19, 2018.
SMITH, F. et al. Megafauna in the Earth system. Ecography, 39(2), 99-108, 2016.
The Cambridge Declaration on Consciousness. (2012). Disponível em
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). (2018). Living planet report 2018: Aiming higher. Grooten, M. and Almond, R.E.A.(Eds). WWF, Gland, Switzerland.